David Young is a friend of mine. He is a hero and an uncommon genius.

David lived in foster care until he was 7 and then in mental institutions for 20 years - misdiagnosed as a schizophrenic. With this background, most of us would have given up on life.

Not David.

He became an expert in myrmecology, the scientific study of ants, as well as developing an in-depth knowledge of many other insects such as bees and wasps. He also taught himself micro-photography. His photographs are things of beauty. He transforms things like a bee's stomach or a wasp's venom gland into visual jewels.

The following are some of his most recent works. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do. Please credit David Young if you use any of them, and let me know at justdale777@gmail.com, so I can get word to David. He will be thrilled.

Bee's Stomach


 Bee's Trachea #1


Bee's Trachea #2

Wasp Venom Gland #1

Wasp Venom Gland #2

Wasp Stinger


Snail Shell

Snail Shell Closeup


  1. Joe Cox, another friend of mine, and I drove David from Iowa to see the Pacific Ocean and visit Barry Morrow, the Oscar winning screenwriter of the movie Rain Man. Joe recorded the journey and has posted a summary video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_VPKd-vTS20


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